Abstract Flowers bouquet #51


An arrangement of colorful roses, delicately arranged in a composition. The colors are soft and muted, lending an artistic & abstract quality to the piece. The roses are presented in a harmonious and balanced manner, visually pleasing the viewer. The light colors imbue the artwork with a gentle and serene ambiance.

The amount paid for this painting, will be regarded as a donation which will be forwarded to my son in Canada (Phd student in cancer research)

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An arrangement of colorful roses, delicately arranged in a composition. The colors are soft and muted, lending an artistic & abstract quality to the piece. The roses are presented in a harmonious and balanced manner, visually pleasing the viewer. The light colors imbue the artwork with a gentle and serene ambiance. The amount paid for this painting, will be regarded as a donation which will be forwarded to my son in Canada (Phd student in cancer research)
SKU: digitalaerlb #3 Categories: , , , , , , , Vendor: digitalartlbProduct ID: 61939

Additional information

digital ai artwork

sea, ocean, blue, sunset, anstract, village, colorful, artistic, waves

Pixel Size

8192 x 8192

Post Production Details

300 ppi

Digital Download Yes


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Vendor Information

Vendor: digitalartlb

Phone: 0096170520525
Email: 12jawhar@gmail.com

I am a digital ai freelancer artist and graphic designer from Lebanon. I use cutting edge technologies to produce a unique and innovative digital art pieces that blends the boundaries between human and AI.

My passion for exploring the possibilities of AI is what drives me and I am exited to bring my skills to your attention. You can also check my profile on Insta, Twitter, Facebook & TikTok under digitalartlb

All of my work is offered to you as a gift. The amount paid will be forwared as a donation to my son in Canada for assisting him in his daily life (PhD student in vcancer research)

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